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Reiki Workshops
Reiki Certification in Central Florida with Reiki Master Lynn Gallagher
You must call for more info or to register: 386 882 4230
Pre-registration is required to hold a space.
Please note: Workbook and chapters will be assigned after registration and will be purchased separately by you.
Registration Deadline is 1 week before class.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes emotional and physical healing. It is based on the physics of “life force energy” that flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or have emotional discord and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy, healthy, and creative!
Reiki Workshops are typically a one-day workshop. Reiki 1 workshops includes a Reiki Attunement and hands-on experience that will teach you how to practice Reiki on yourself, your loved ones and animals. Participants will earn a beautiful certificate upon the completion of Reiki 1.
Click here to find out about our next Reiki Workshop.

About Our Reiki 1 Workshops
Reiki class will begin with a meet and greet, including tea and snacks. We then move into reviewing the assigned chapters of the workbook as well as
Q & A from students on anything that needs clarity, including a discussion of the Chakras.
A guided meditation leads us into the Attunement process. At this time, for our in-person workshops, each student is brought individually to a quiet area and receives their Reiki 1 Attunement from the instructor to awaken the Reiki energy. Virtual students will receive Reiki 1 Attunement via Distance Reiki. There will be a Reiki table set up and this is where each individual can really experience the energy both as a practitioner and as a person on the table receiving.
Practice time is fun, and open to participants 18 and older! Our Reiki 1 workshop will prepare you for follow-up Reiki 2 & 3 workshops and other events with Lynn. These workshops will also prepare you for all upcoming Animal Reiki Workshops.

As my student, I will teach you…
#1: Focus on technique, energy flow, and my own experience, trials and errors, as a Reiki practitioner
#2: The Attunement process that opens the line of energy flow and levels the body up to a higher vibrational frequency.
#3: In Reiki 1 you will be focused on the history of Reiki, how to feel energy, technique, how to do self Reiki and how to do Reiki on others and pets.
#4: In Reiki 2 workshops you will go deeper into the body systems and how to work with the energy centers of the body, or the Chakras, as many have come to know them.
#5: In Reiki 3 level you will learn more about raising the frequency of energy and attuning you to a master symbol that brings powerful healing on both a physical and emotional level.

“She has been doing Reiki for both me & my pets with fabulous results. At one time, the docs wanted me to have surgery. I had Lynn do back to back Reiki. The docs said surgery was no longer needed. She is the best!.”
Sheila H.

“Both I and my pets have benefited from Lynn’s Reiki treatments. Beyond highly effective treatment, Lynn offers compassion in so many ways.”
Connie B.
Our Lineage In Reiki
The Usui lineage Reiki I teach has 3 levels of certifications. With each workshop there is a focus on technique, energy flow, and my own experience, trials and errors, as a Reiki practitioner. Every level has an Attunement process that opens the line of energy flow and levels the body up to a higher vibrational frequency. Reiki 1 is focused on the history of Reiki, how to feel energy, technique, how to do self Reiki and how to do Reiki on others and pets. Reiki 2 workshops go deeper into the body systems and how to work with the energy centers of the body, or the Chakra’s, as many have come to know them. Distance healing is also a part of Reiki 2. The student receives the attunement and at that time the distance Reiki symbols is given along with two others.
The symbols allow for deeper healing and can be used with a concentrated focus on healing past emotional challenges. Reiki 3 level is again raising the frequency of energy and attuning you to a master symbol that brings powerful healing on both a physical and emotional level. You are also prepared to teach others and give attunements at this level. There is also an Animal Reiki workshop available to anyone who has had at least Reiki 1 or 2 certification. Every student receives a certificate of completion with every level.
Reiki is a lifelong modality for helping keep mind and body in balance. It is a tool that you always have to use on yourself, loved ones, others and animals. There are many aspects and ways to incorporate Reiki into your everyday life and these workshops give you the essential tools. I adore teaching what I have learned along the way and how I use Reiki with clients as well as how I use Reiki in my everyday life. For me Reiki is a way of life so I really feel honored when I share the gift of this amazing healing modality with others.
To decide if Reiki certification is right now you, I invite you to schedule an initial consultation with me.
My Personal
Journey With Reiki
As a Reiki practitioner for over 20 years, I have been on both ends of this amazing modality.
To experience my own emotional and physical healing after years of serious pain from an injury was a huge turning point for me. Not to mention bearing witness to so many animal and human clients who have had numerous positive responses after Reiki treatments. All of these experiences and interactions have been both an ongoing learning experience and validation for me of the powerful healing energy Reiki offers. I know, without a doubt, that Reiki gave my own body and mind the ability to come back into balance so the healing process could begin. In my own healing journey, I practiced self Reiki daily as well as receiving weekly healing sessions from a good friend who is also a Reiki Master.
This protocol brought clarity of mind, amazing pain management, and physical healing. After some time I could think clearly and had more energy which led to me cleaning up my diet and doing research to enhance my overall health. Also, because I could now manage my pain, I was able to exercise more thus bringing strength and mobility back to my body. All of these choices and protocols are where my healing journey began for this particular health challenge. I also learned what physical activities worked, what foods affected my body, as well as what supplements my body needed. It was a completely holistic approach to heal both mind & body and what I learned along the way was priceless.